Editor's View: If it is Unethical in Thailand, It is Unethical in Hawaii Also
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [Editor's Vew] by John Sackton - Sept. 8, 2016
Charlie Nagle said it best: We "do not and will never knowingly source from vessels that mistreat their crew." The Nagle family has been in the fish business on the Boston Fish Pier for 130 years.
The AP report on the imprisonment of foreign fishermen on Hawaiian vessels is a wake-up call. No seafood buyer will tolerate abusive conditions for fishermen, whether the result of a legal loophole or not.
The US has been highly critical of Thailand, where abusive labor practices and human trafficking in the seafood industry earned worldwide condemnation and resulted in changes in laws and in close audits of the supply chain.
Can we expect anything less in Hawaii?...
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