Changes Coming for Icelandic Brand in US, as High Liner Agrees to Renegotiate Licensing Terms
SEAFOODNEWS.COM by John Sackton Sept. 21, 2017
The Icelandic Brand is an iconic whitefish brand in the US, and once belonged to Icelandic Seafoods, one of two Iceland seafood companies who marketed Iceland seafood exports in the US.
In 2011, High Liner purchased Icelandic, and also rights to use the brand that expire in 2018. The brand was not owned by Icelandic, but is owned by the Iceland Enterprise Fund, an investment fund owned by pension funds in Iceland, and at the time of the sale, High Liner signed a license agreement giving it the rights to use the brand in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
However, it recently came to the attention of Iceland authorities that fish such as Tilapia from China was being packaged
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