Copper River opener will Kick Off Salmon Season Week of May 12th

The first Prince William sound openings on the Copper River are expected for Monday, May 13th.
ADF&G has forecasted a run of about 55,000 kings, which is 20% higher than the ten-year average.
For sockeye, the forecast is for 1.4 million wild fish, and 98,000 hatchery fish. For wild fish, this is 31% below the ten-year average.
These forecasts are often wrong, even though they are based on the best available science from the ADF&G. Last year, about 1 million fewer fish came into the Copper River than expected, and there were far fewer openers on Kings.
“This forecast is uncertain and should be interpreted with caution as poor runs of many Gulf of Alaska sockeye salmon stocks...
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