ADF&G releases more Preliminary Results of its 5 Year Hatchery Study
The ADF&G has released some additional findings from its long-term study on the impact of straying hatchery fish, and any potential interactions between wild and hatchery raised fish.
The results released this week are focused on some small samples of reproductive success, based on pink salmon in two streams.
The findings confirm that hatchery parentage fish have lower reproductive success than wild parentage fish.
“What was really interesting is that if you look at the relative reproductive success, the hatchery-hatchery origin parents produced the lowest relative reproductive success,” said Chris Habich, , one of the ADF&G scientists working on the project. “The ones that were half hatchery and half natural produced intermediate reproductive success. The natural-natural produced the highest reproductive success.”
But Habich also cautioned that the sample size from...
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