2020 Stikine and Taku Rivers Chinook Salmon Forecasts Below Desired Escapement Minimum![](https://library.urnerbarry.com/Images/GettyImages-619083204.jpg)
The preseason forecasts for Chinook salmon returning to the Stikine and Taku rivers in 2020 were announced last week and don’t reach the minimum for escapement, said Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologists.
The terminal run forecast for Stikine River large Chinook salmon is 13,350 fish in 2020, below the lower end of the Escapement Goal Range (EGR) of 14,000 to 28,000 fish. Without reaching that threshold, the run will not provide an Allowable Catch (AC) for either the U.S. or Canada.
The 2020 preseason terminal run...
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