Seafood Harvesters offer robust defense of Magnuson Act, urge Senate not to make harmful changes
SEAFOODNEWS.COM by John Sackton - July 15, 2014
The Seafood Harvesters of America is an umbrella group that has pulled together 14 regional fishing associations from different parts of the US to make sure that the voices of those who are successfully harvesting well managed stocks are heard in the Magnuson reauthorization.
At a conference in Washington DC, last month, they had the opportunity to present their ideas to NOAA and Congressional staffers. Chris Brown, a harvester from Rhode Island, is president of the group.
Chris said “The industry is in recognition that the Magnuson Act is working. The scope of the Act does not need to be expanded to continue moving in the right direction. ”
As a commercial fishermen, “there is one document that guides our actions: the Magnuson Act. We do not subscribe to the beliefs that there should be dissimilar standards between the commercial and recreational fishery."
In making comments about Magnuson, the Seafood Harvesters make these points:
"The Magnuson Stevens Act is working extraordinarily well .. (more)
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