Fishermen’s Finest Calls for EIS in Bering Sea Halibut Bycatch Cutbacks; NMFS Says No New EIS Needed

SEAFOODNEWS.COM by John Sackton and Peggy Parker March 5, 2015
Fishermen’s Finest, a member of the Amendment 80 groundfish fleet in the Bering Sea, has called for the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to complete an Environmental Impact before deciding to reduce halibut bycatch caps in that area.
Fishermen’s Finest CEO Dennis Moran said in his letter, “The Council’s reliance on an EA (Economic Analysis) rather than an environmental impact statement (“EIS”) for this action has been questionable at best, but there is now no question that an EIS is required with the addition of alternatives that contemplate 35% to 50% reductions in halibut PSC across sectors.”
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