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OPINION: Modern Misinformation, Pseudo-science and the Games “Scientists” Play

“Pseudoscience.” A collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

Today I came across an interesting piece of pseudo-science written by a “Campaign Manager/Scientist” of a Big Enviro group (Oceana). He starts the piece by claiming to be a just “browsing the Fisheries Service database, ruminating about bycatch.” Right, the Big Enviro campaign manager was “just browsing.” The truth that is he was mining government records for data he could cherry pick to support a carefully drafted hit piece on a Big Enviro ...

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OPINION: Modern Misinformation, Pseudo-science and the Games “Scientists” Play

“Pseudoscience.” A collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

Today I came across an interesting piece of pseudo-science written by a “Campaign Manager/Scientist” of a Big Enviro group (Oceana). He starts the piece by claiming to be a just “browsing the Fisheries Service database, ruminating about bycatch.” Right, the Big Enviro campaign manager was “just browsing.” The truth that is he was mining government records for data he could cherry pick to support a carefully drafted hit piece on a Big Enviro ...

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Opinion: Public Has Right to Want NPFMC, NMFS Manage Trawl Sector Better and Reduce Bycatch

Fishery management discussions are often complex, with acronyms and jargon that can cloud the conversation. Real-world outcomes of fishery decisions, however, are easier to understand and many members of the public are frustrated with the results. Take, for example, the following issues associated with industrial trawling in Alaska.  Any one of these could raise the ire of those who appreciate Alaska’s ocean ecosystems and rely on fish for their livelihoods or to fill their freezers:

  • Tanner crab fisheries remain closed off Kodiak, while ...


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Statement from Maine’s Fishing Community on Offshore Wind Development

Editor's Note: This opinion piece is written on behalf of Patrice McCarron, Maine Lobstermen's Association; Ben Martens, Maine Coast Fishermen's Association; Annie Tselikis, Maine Lobster Dealers Association; Rocky Alley, Maine Lobstering Union; Paul Anderson, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries; and Sheila Dassatt, Downeast Lobstermen's Association

Maine fishermen are deeply committed to clean energy and protecting the environment. We draw our livelihoods from the ocean and recognize the fragility of our shared marine environment. Maine fishermen understand and support the need to develop clean renewable energy sources, but do not share the...

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OPINION: Dr. Al Gross Will Talk Truth, Not Tow the Party Line

Alaskans should not be surprised that it took Dan Sullivan a decade to say he opposes the Pebble Mine. That came only after the Pebble Tapes revealed mine backers boasting about how Sullivan was hoping to “ride out the election” and that “he’s off in a corner being quiet.” 

Remember that it was Dan Sullivan as Commissioner of the AK Dept. of Natural Resources in 2012 who removed the words “conserve,” “enhance,” and “future Alaskans” from the DNR mission statement, sidestepping a state law requiring legislative approval...

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OPINION: Trawling Costs Outweigh the Benefits, and Alaskans are Paying the Price

Late senator Ted Stevens was so disgusted by the wasteful bycatch of the trawl fleet in Alaska that he inserted a confidentiality exemption in his federal fisheries act that allows the National Marine Fisheries Service to publish the bycatch rates of halibut, salmon, and crab of individual trawling vessels. The thinking was that peer pressure and public shaming could instigate trawlers to be more mindful of avoiding bycatch. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working and some trawlers are even asking for more. 

I was browsing this Fisheries ...

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BC Salmon Farmers Association’s Youth Council Pens Letter to PM Regarding Discovery Island Farms

Dear Prime Minister Justin Trudeau;

The BC Salmon Farmers Association’s Youth Council is reaching out to you today regarding Minister Bernadette Jordan’s announcement on the closure of salmon farms in the Discovery Islands, on December 17th, 2020 – putting potentially 1,500 families in limbo. The BCSFA Youth Council is comprised of and represents young professionals under 35 working across the value chain of salmon aquaculture in British Columbia, and we are concerned for our future.

Just before Christmas, Minister Jordan announced...

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The Winding Glass: How Last Night’s Muddled Election May Impact our Industry

[The Winding Glass is an opinion and commentary column by John Sackton, Founder of SeafoodNews]

I admit to wearing rose colored glasses. I thought yesterday would lead to a clear Biden win, a reset of our national conversation, and a new commitment to serious fiscal stimulus, aid to states, and governance by science.

This is roughly the type of policy we have seen in countries who have controlled the pandemic, and now have growing economies:  China, S. Korea, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam, for example. It is not what we are seeing in Europe or the U.S.

After last night, I no longer think we will see much change...

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OPINION: Visa Restrictions Are Threatening the Survival of the U.S. Shrimp Industry

It’s our busy season right now in the Texas shrimping industry. Seventy percent of our income is made between July and October, and during this time we need workers. Lots of them. Of course, we’d like to hire from our state’s growing pool of unemployed workers, but that’s not possible. Shrimpers need years of experience to safely operate a boat. That’s why we look abroad—we need seasoned fishermen. They travel from Central and South America to work on our boats for three months...

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