Anti-MSC Coalition Wins a Battle in Fight to Prevent MSC Recertification of PNA Tuna by FAD vessels
SEAFOODNEWS.COM by John Sackton Sept. 22, 2017
A coalition of British Chefs led by Celebrity Chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall along with a number of Eco foundations and University Researchers is turning the tables on MSC by mounting a public campaign with retailers against the MSC re-certification of PNA tuna.
At issue is the acceptance by the MSC that vessels can land certified tuna from FAD free sets even while on the same day and same trip making sets on FADs (fish aggregating devices), that have been shown to increase bycatch of juvenile tuna and sharks.
The group took a complaint to the Dutch Advertising Code Committee, and won a ruling that found that Princes is “misleading consumers” through statements made on its tins of tuna...
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