Forbes Puts Chuck Bundrant on its Billionaires List of 400 Richest Americans
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [News Analysis] by John Sackton Oct 20, 2017
Following a story on Trident this summer from Bloomberg, which put Chuck Bundrant on its billionaire’s index with an estimated worth of $1.1 billion, Forbes has upped the ante and listed Chuck Bundrant at 264 on Forbe’s list of the 400 richest Americans, with an estimate of $3 billion net worth.
Some think these numbers are highly suspect. Following the Bloomberg story, which claimed Trident had $2.4 billion in revenue in 2016, some within the company pushed back strongly, telling reporters these numbers were garbage.
Bloomberg itself only said it calculated the value from trade groups, and estimates of what it called similar publicly traded companies like Clearwater and the Oceana Group of South ...
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