Alaska Ocean Observing System Wants Feedback from Mariners, Coastal Communities
The Alaska Ocean Observing System is the real time “eye on Alaska’s coasts and oceans” and it wants feedback from mariners and communities.
The AOOS is one of 11 national federally funded systems designed to fill data gaps on ocean observations to enhance decision-making. Molly McCammon is senior adviser:
“AOOS runs the largest collection of ocean and coastal data in the state. Largely, a lot of it is real time data. And then a lot of historical data, a lot of that is biological data, because it's not collected...
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Alaska Ocean Observing System Wants Feedback from Mariners, Coastal Communities
The Alaska Ocean Observing System is the real time “eye on Alaska’s coasts and oceans” and it wants feedback from mariners and communities.
The AOOS is one of 11 national federally funded systems designed to fill data gaps on ocean observations to enhance decision-making. Molly McCammon is senior adviser:
“AOOS runs the largest collection of ocean and coastal data in the state. Largely, a lot of it is real time data. And then a lot of historical data, a lot of that is biological data, because it's not collected...
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