Russell Callender Named Director of Washington Sea Grant
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [SeafoodNews] - July 19, 2018
NOAA’s Assistant Administrator of National Ocean Service in Washington, D.C., Dr. Russell Callender, has been named as director of the Washington Sea Grant Program. He'll begin the job in September. Callender emerged as the best candidate to lead Washington Sea Grant as a result of an advisory search committee’s deeply consultative process led by Amy Snover, director of the Climate Impacts Group and assistant dean of applied research within the University of Washington College of the Environment.
Callender emerged as the best candidate to lead Washington Sea Grant ...
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Russell Callender Named Director of Washington Sea Grant
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [SeafoodNews] - July 19, 2018
NOAA’s Assistant Administrator of National Ocean Service in Washington, D.C., Dr. Russell Callender, has been named as director of the Washington Sea Grant Program. He'll begin the job in September. Callender emerged as the best candidate to lead Washington Sea Grant as a result of an advisory search committee’s deeply consultative process led by Amy Snover, director of the Climate Impacts Group and assistant dean of applied research within the University of Washington College of the Environment.
Callender emerged as the best candidate to lead Washington Sea Grant ...
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