Chilean Authorities Confiscate 12 Million Lbs of Illegal Fishmeal Worth $11 Million
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [Techno Press] September 28, 2015
Chilean fishery authorities have confiscated over 16 million pounds of illegal, undeclared fishmeal worth about $11 million from the company Salmon Food Chile SA, a subsidiary of the Errazuirz Group.
The confiscation is the largest bust in the history of Sernapesca and has already spurred calls for investigations into how the fishmeal was illegally obtained and pushed through the supply chain undetected.
"Illegal fishing is the most serious scourge that cuts across the fisheries sector, affecting the sustainability of the species and represents unfair competition for all artisanal and industrial fisheries in the country, which largely meet the quotas and bans," he said Francisco Orrego, the President of fishing trade group Sonapesca...
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