Canadian Seafood Exports to China Up 25% As Overall Seafood Exports Grew by 5%
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [SeafoodNews] - March 12, 2018
OTTAWA - The latest year-on-year seafood exports statistics were released by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) late last week.
The value of Canada's seafood exports continued trending upward in 2017; surpassing 2016’s record by $312 million (5 percent) to $6.9 billion. Canada exported fish and seafood products to 137 countries last year.
The largest growth market was China, which saw a 25 percent ($194 million) increase from 2016, followed closely by Japan at 13 percent ($40 million).
Exports to the U.S. were steady at a value of $4.3 billion.
Canada's highest value species exported globally in 2017 were lobster ($2.1 billion), snow/queen crab ($1.0 billion), and Atlantic salmon ($909 million)...
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