Russian Fishery Company (RFC) Joins GSSI as First Russian Partner
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [Seafoodnews] March 27, 2018
The Russian Fishery Company has joined GSSI as its second major funding partner from Russia. Norebo, another Russian whitefish company, is also a member of GSSI. Norebo was formerly known as Ocean Trawlers.
GSSI, the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative, was developed by a global partnership of seafood producers and major retail and foodservice buyers, to provide a benchmark tool across the many sustainabiity certifications. GSSI members rely on the benchmark to certify equivalence among sustainability certifications.
The Russian Fishery Company is the largest harvester of pollock in Russia, and 3rd largest in the world. They have 14 large fishing vessels equipped with modern fishing and processing equipment and have been in the forefront of the conversion of Russian production from H&G fish for twice frozen processing to single frozen blocks produced at sea, and sold in international pollock markets.
“For GSSI to truly provide an international, multi-stakeholder platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange in seafood sustainability, it is imperative that we have global representation..
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