Thai Union Forms New Management Structure in Europe Headed by Paul Reenan of John West
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [SeafoodNews] by Peggy Parker - October 16, 2017
Thai Union announced today a new management structure in Europe as part of its global program to harmonize and streamline operations. The announcement comes on the heels of Thai Union Europe’s CEO Elisabeth Fleuriot retiring after four years of overseeing growth and development of the company’s European brands.
Paul Reenan, currently Head of Northern Europe Ambient managing John West, King Oscar and Rugen Fisch, was named regional president for Europe, responsible for commercial marketing, sales and service. Reenan will report directly to Thiraphong Chansiri, Thai Union’s CEO.
The new structure will organize the company to focus on four critical areas of commercial marketing, sales and service; supply chain management; finance and business services, and ...
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