Consultation for Indonesia’s Pivotal Tuna Management Plan Starts in Bali
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [SeafoodNews] - May 2, 2018
For more than three years the Indonesian government has worked on an interim tuna harvest strategy. It will debut the Third Bali Tuna Conference and 6th International Coastal Tuna Business Forum at the end of May.
Attendees at the May 31-June 1 events will be the first stakeholders to learn details of the harvest strategy for tropical tuna in archipelagic waters.
Developed by the Indonesian authorities, this long awaited policy is an important component in the implementation of sustainable fisheries management.
National efforts have been led by Indonesia’s Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), the Directorate of Fish Resource Management, the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries and relevant stakeholders and progressed through several technical meetings and consultations.
“A lot of time and endeavour has already gone into getting the harvest strategy...
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