Data Don't Show the Commercial Detriment of Northeast Canyons that is Claimed Says NRDC (Opinion)
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [SeafoodNews] [Opinion] by Brad Sewell - October 30, 2018
Brad Sewell is the director of Fisheries and US Atlantic Oceans Programs for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). He is responding to an op-ed we published from Eric Reid titled "Northeast Canyon’s Monument Defenders Never Looked at Costs" earlier this month.
I wrote the analysis Eric Reid questioned in “Northeast Canyon’s Monument Defenders Never Looked at Costs, Considered Alternatives (Opinion),” 10/12/18. I respond on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council to express our strong disagreement with Mr. Reid’s recommendation that President Trump open the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument to commercial fishing.
Administration officials have recommended such a rollback...
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