Cat food accounts for 5.5 billion lbs of global forage fish consumption says study (Fish Radio)

SEAFOODNEWS.COM [Fish Radio with Laine Welch] August 6, 2014
Cat owners who feed their pets with fish are contributing to overfishing and threatening fish stocks worldwide, say Australian researchers. Reports from Deakin University say the global cat food industry consumes nearly 5.5 billion pounds (2.5 million metric tons) of forage fish that comprise a critical part of the food chain for larger fish, plus sea mammals and birds. The fish include sardines, capelin, anchovy and herring.
And pampered cats eat far more fish than people do. In Australia, each pet cat consumes an estimated 30 pounds of fish per year, well above the human per capita consumption of 24 pounds; seafood consumption in the U.S. is roughly 16 pounds per person. The Australian study says the global pet food industry is increasingly marketing luxury fish products that contain a significant amount of fish that may be suitable for humans...
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